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Showing posts from July, 2018

Advantages of digital marketing for your business

What can online advertising do for me? 1. Online advertising is fast, flexible, and trackable. With online advertising, you can take advantage of the wonderful perks that come with digital media, like instant access, freely updating and editing your ads, and results tracking . Planning an event to promote your new service? Rather than placing an ad with the local paper 6 weeks in advance and wondering who’ll see it, then waiting weeks or months to ACTUALLY know how well it was received, you can create and launch an online campaign promoting your service or event in as little as an hour (I’d say 5 minutes, but you want it to be a good campaign, don’t you?). What’s more is you can instantly track which ads are working, how many people are seeing them, where they’re seeing them, who’s clicking on them and when. With that kind of information at your fingertips, you can optimize your ads instantly if they’re not performing as well as you’d like instead of waiting until end of mont